List of Support Options to look for in this article: 7 helpful ideas to consider when it comes to processing emotions 4 books with spiritual approaches to emotional well-being (1 with a 30% off code!) 1 documentary, Energy Healers & Energy Healing Suggestions Supportive organizations with links Heartfelt, vulnerable personal story Research shows that suppressing or avoiding emotions can lead to ongoing stress, weakened immunity, and even illness. Please read more about that in the books and resources given at the end of this article. Unresolved feelings can manifest in the body as tension, inflammation, or pain, contributing to long-term health issues if left unaddressed. Consider using mindfulness practices like meditation, journaling, contemplation and stillness. Begin with an intention and desire to gather up all the lessons for positive movement going forward. Consider with asking yourself this question. What additional knowledge or lessons can I gain now from having had this experience? Admittedly, my childhood did have a couple of Thanksgiving holidays that were especially challenging for me. Here's one that came to my mind as I was working through some things personally. It's a memory of when I was 14 years old at Thanksgiving. Dad had barricaded us four kids in the trailer. He was blocking the path and refused to let us leave. My brothers who were older teens at the time tried to stand up to him so he'd let us go. When that didn't work, they tried to talk some sense into him. My sister was 12 at the time. Her and I were just having a conversation on the phone last night. She told me she'd just discussed this far away memory with her husband yesterday! She told him about it but then realized she'd not thought of it in so long; she began questioning if it was real. The story continues... My grandma and mom were sitting out in the car waiting for us. When my grandma sensed that it was more than just a long wait and that it seemed like a dangerous enough of a situation, she went next door and called the police. The officers showed up and surrounded the trailer and the property. They had a megaphone and were announcing, my dad's name and then "COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" This was a hostage situation and they weren't fooling around. I remember that one of the officers standing behind the giant weeping willow tree in our front yard was actually holding a gun. This was like a scene in the movies, only it wasn't. It was real life. In the end, dad did agree to finally let us go, thankfully. The officers gave me 5 minutes to pack up what I wanted to take with me but it had to fit in the trunk of my mom's car. I had been living in Idaho Falls with my grandpa and dad for a few months. After this happened, I moved back to Utah with my mom and siblings. Before this week, when I have looked back on that memory, I had only seen it and felt it with the fear and sadness. This is why it can be especially beneficial to follow your intuition. Why was this memory continuing to come up for my sister and I and at the same time? Why now? Also, if you would like to work with a professional mental health therapist who is also skilled at energy psychology modalities based in Utah, I recommend Cheyenne Jones. My interactions with her have been very positive. She is also trained in DBT, CBT, mindfulness/meditation techniques as well as being a certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Life Activation Practitioner and many more. Her website is Let's talk more about how emotions from the past may have an effect on us later on in the future. The word emotion is understood as Energy in Motion (E-motion) or energy movement, which reminds me of the documentary series about this. Here's the link for you to watch it for free. My long time friend, Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of the Emotion Code is in this video. He has spoken at dozens of my conferences and events over the past decade. You can find out more about him here. I am grateful I can now look at this exact memory and see it from a different perspective. Maybe enough time had passed. Maybe it's that I finally had more of a willingness to learn from the past. Maybe as we evolve through our lens, we just see things differently. I have done a lot of inner work and healing since that time, for which I am grateful. I forgive the fear, the past, the experience. I let go of what doesn't serve me. I even sent a text to my dad asking if he remembers. Of course he did. I asked forgiveness of him for any part I played in this instance and told him I love him. He and I have been through a lot over the years. I didn't know how much it hurt him to lose his kids. He went from having 4 kids, age 6 and under all at once. How could I understand that? I was only 2 when my parents split. And sometimes fear and other unprocessed emotions don't let you make completely rational choices. That's not to excuse poor behavior at all. It's to allow understanding and healing. And making different choices moving forward. Getting ALL the lessons. FACT: He did have the fear of losing his kids again. Unprocessed emotions can cloud your judgement. They don't let you see things clearly. This is why I am an advocate for ALL of us doing our work. There are many professionals who are training and licensed both as licensed mental health AND ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY. In fact, when my husband Casey and I went to Baltimore, MD in 2023, we met hundreds of them. If you are a licensed mental health therapist who is looking for a great professional support system to learn energy psychology or further the work, definitely check these guys out! The professionals conference we had attended was produced from a non profit organization called ACEP, which stands for Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. In fact, I joined their organization as a member, which helps support ongoing energy psychology research globally. Here's their website, in case you want to learn more about them. and of course, here are some of the fun pictures I got with some of the people I'd only heard about in books and youtube! I am so grateful I had this opportunity to meet them in real life, rub shoulders with them, learn with them, dine with them and dance with them. I also got to re-connect with the amazing Dr. David Feinstein who came and keynoted our 2017 Energy Healing Conference in Layton, UT. What a treat that was! I will never forget how he walked up to me and it had been 5 years since seeing me (and he's in his 80's) and remembered me by name! Of course, Brad Yates from was also there and also remembered my name! I hadn't seen him since 2018 and we had only briefly been introduced in San Diego by a mutual friend. AND... I had the funniest experience when Kerri Vercellini marched right up to me and asked me how old I am! haha LOVE HER! Let's talk more about how emotions from the past may have an effect on us later on in the future. The word emotion is understood as Energy in Motion (E-motion) or energy movement, which reminds me of the documentary series about this. Here's the link for you to watch it for free. My long time friend, Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of the Emotion Code is in this video. He has spoken at dozens of my conferences and events over the past decade. You can find out more about him here. At the end of this article I will share other book suggestions and resources for you to learn more for yourself! E-Motion 2.0 Documentary
If you'd like to try it I have a Foot Zone toolkit that includes training for empaths, lymph support, and other AMAZING signals. This toolkit includes video, audio, and workbooks for ALL learning styles. I invite you to learn these healing signals and practice on yourself, your friends, and your family. If you'd like to learn more about Foot Zoning I would LOVE to connect. Insta: @Maleah Gordon Website: Get your Foot Zone Toolkit from Maleah here. |
Here's a couple personal stories from Nicole Schwartz, a professional foot zone practitioner from Idaho Falls, ID area.
"When I very first started my Foot Zone classes and was practicing on my husbands feet, I noticed how bumpy and crackly the medial side of each of his feet felt, and more so on the right foot. I thought it was a little strange, but didn't know much different, as he was at the time, my main guinea pig, allowing me to practice the Foot Zone techniques I was learning, on him. I just thought to myself, "Okay this seems weird, my feet don't feel like this, but whatever?!?", and went on with my practice sessions. During this time he was suffering from a bulging disc that was causing major pain & sciatic issues for him. After about three months of me practicing on him, (these were my first 3 months of class), he ended up having a discectomy surgery, removing the blown tissue from his disc and cleaning it all out. Once I started practicing on him again, during his recovery, (and me knowing a little more about what I was doing), that area in his feet, which is where the spine, discs, etc. sit, felt completely different. They were smoothed out and easy for me to move through! It was a night and day difference & that was definitely the first experience I had that made me a firm believer in how our feet really are a map to our bodies. It was a really cool experience! I was zoning a client that had already had about three zones previously, so I was pretty familiar with her feet, but I was also still very new and still learning to navigate what I was feeling and sensing. While going over her urinary tract area, in her foot, something just felt off. I couldn't really put my finger on it, but it felt a little hot and maybe a little puffy? I didn't know for sure. She asked what it was, as she could probably see I had a stumped look on my face, so I told her what I was feeling around her urinary tract signal just didn't seem quite right. She asked what it could be & I told her I wasn't sure, but that it could possibly be a UTI coming on, I really was not sure at all? I told her I'd check in on her in a couple days and see if she noticed anything different, but that I hoped I was wrong & that it was nothing. Before I had even gotten the chance to text her, she reached out to me & said, "you're never going to believe this, but I have a full blown urinary tract infection! How did you know that before I even did?" I told her I didn't know, but that her feet did & because she was tending to them, they were able to tell us." To schedule with Nicole, click here. You can follow her on FB here. |
Now, let's hear from Dave Weber from Ogden, UT.

I've personally suffered with chronic digestive issues ever since being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and having my colon removed. Getting a foot zone for the first time was eye opening! I felt so much better digestive-wise and I slept deeply that same night! I wanted more of that, and to be able to do that at will! The foot zoning course I took opened up the world of what foot zoning, good nutrition, and herbs can do to support the body. Becoming a foot zone practitioner unfolded a passion for learning about alternative and healthy ways of healing our bodies.
An opportunity to take a foot zone course presented itself during the fall of 2018. We hit some financial difficulties at the time. You see, I never finished nursing school, mainly because I wanted to be with people, not a computer entering data. So we figured, for a small investment, I could do something more meaningful to me, spend more time with clients, and be involved with helping people thrive in a healthful way. I also love how I can help someone at a moment's notice, with no special tools or prep work up front. I have been foot zoning for 6 years and graduated from Jeanne Harold's School of Zone Restoration.
Learn more about Dave here:
I have been going to Dave for foot zones for years now. It has been a great experience. He really knows what he is doing, and I always feel better at the end of each session. I like going on a regular basis to keep up and to stay healthy. He is very personable and it is a nice, relaxed environment. - Jane G.
My wife and I had a couples foot zoning with Dave. He was able to tell what areas needed work and gave suggestions. It was a great experience. We will be back! - Ronald P.
AMAZING!! I am thrilled at the difference in just the next day after Dave having done foot zoning on me! I already feel at least 20% better than I do on any given day! All my systems feel lighter and more fluid, I miraculously don't have a voracious appetite for junk food anymore.. I can literally feel my body healing! I am just shocked and amazed and so happy I decided to try foot zoning! Dave is very skilled, is very personable and kind, and great at explaining everything! Highly recommend! - McKell H.
I'd love to share my story about how I got started with foot zoning too.
It really comes quite naturally to me. I also attended We Do Feet foot zone school in 2012-2013. I graduated after 9 months and hundreds of hours of studying, practice and class time. I homeschooled my then 7 children at the time and it was a sacrifice to set aside that time away from my busy, growing family. I am grateful my kids helped pitch in by taking turns around the house and supporting me while I was gone. I also greatly appreciate the many people who allowed me to practice while I learned. I used to have a firm pressure but have now adopted the philosophy that I can still be effective as a zoning professional while doing a relaxing, comfortable pressure. I have taken the opportunity many times over the years to participate in ongoing education and have continued to offer many foot zones to people over the years.
I have zoned many types of people and appreciate the diversity. Here's a few examples from over the years. There was a 60 year old gunsmith who came from Cache Valley. He was able to relax and release emotions. He commented at the end how relaxed he felt.
I zoned a 15 year old young woman who was struggling with ongoing feelings of sadness. I appreciated the opportunity to connect with her and be a safe place for her to rest and put down her worries. I am grateful I have had the opportunity to zone a newly divorced man in his 30's. He is now taking a more active approach to his overall health. I have zoned many people who have been experiencing a faith transition and identity crisis. I am grateful I can be a safe place to provide support.
The point is... this modality is for anyone who is interested. I also include a mineral foot soak with aromatherapy, Lumiceutical light therapy and reiki during your time with me. Appointments begin at $77 or you can choose an extended appointment for $111.
Learn more here:
Click here to learn more about foot zones with me
and to maybe even schedule one!
Tammy Anderson Ward'S BLOG
Tammy Anderson Ward is the President of Hope Haven Events, which has produced conferences, retreats, training and specialty events for practitioners and other business owners since 2014.
This includes 100+ LARGE conferences, some with thousands of people to more intimate groups as well. Tammy has compiled and published several books as well as produced dozens of healing retreats.
Tammy is a popular speaker, mentor, professional energy healing & foot zone practitioner, author, business strategist and healing arts advocate.
She is certified in several energy healing modalities, foot zoning and has also graduated from several intense professional mentoring groups. Her ambition to learn new things and grow has fueled her educational pursuits, including international training and mentoring.
Tammy has mentored hundreds of clients each year since 2015 and has enjoyed helping others reach their life's aspirations. She's also making a difference and having fun serving on the board for the National Certification Center of Energy Practitioners; NCCOEP. She and her husband have been married for 24+ years. They have 8 children, ages 8-24 plus 2 super sweet grand babies.
Tammy loves to strive for balance and peace amidst everyday life. She does this through energy healing, meditation and other mindfulness practices which she enjoys teaching to her clients. She doesn't consider herself a guru but instead is a student of this work. Tammy enjoys being in nature, hiking, relaxing in hot springs, traveling, spending time with her family, listening to audiobooks & podcasts, meeting new people and inspiring others.
Tammy’s life mantra is "When You Know Better, You Do Better."
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